February 5, 2015

Freezing Milk?!

We go through a lot of milk in this household of two.  My coffee is equal parts milk and equal parts coffee.  I cook with milk.  I drink milk.  Every good meal & dessert will have milk in it.  So when it goes on sale or is marked down on a manager's special, I get really excited.  And then I realize that I have 4 gallons of milk with two days to drink it...

But wait...you can FREEZE milk! This may be common knowledge for most, but not for me :( After recently purchasing several gallons of milk and not wanting it to go to waste, I learned that yes, milk can be frozen.  So, I portioned the milk out into glass jars and stuck them in the freezer.  They have been handy to have when I need to stretch the budget just a little or when I didn't realize that we finished the gallon the night before with no milk for coffee the next morning.  Out comes the frozen milk to save my coffee :D Shake it once thawed and you have delicious milk for wherever you need it! 

...and yes! The heavy whipping cream freezes nicely as well! Freeze in ice-cube trays, pop out, keep in baggies, and take a few out when you need to make soups creamy, desserts creamier, or to throw in your coffee!

...this works with buttermilk too!

See you in the kitchen,


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